In an attempt to continue to improve our corporate and employer relationships this year we are instating a career event attendance policy. This policy serves the purpose of helping maintain positive relationships with our recruiters.
These are the highlights of the policy:
- Canceling your registration in advance
- Info sessions, networking events, CDO appts and programming: by 9pm day before
- Interviews, coffee chats, alumni events, treks: 2 business days prior
- Miss any career event you’ve registered for without notice
- 1st offense – reminder email from CDO stating policy
- 2nd offense – warning email from CDO
- 3rd offense – access to OWL Careers suspended until explanation email received
- Missing treks, coffee chats, or interviews without prior cancellation or notification will result in immediate temporary suspension of the student’s access to OWL Careers
Review the policy in its entirety along with other Student Recruiting Policies here.
Have questions? Please email to address any concerns you may have.